
Byzantine Battles

Abydos, 989
Ad Decimum, 533
Ad Salices, 377
Adramyttium, 1205
Adrianople, 324
Adrianople, 378
Adrianople, 813
Adrianople, 1254
Adrianople, 1369
Ajnadayn, 634
Akroinos, 740
Aleppo, 637
Aleppo, 962
Aleppo, 969
Alexandretta, 971
Altava, 578
Alexandria, 641
Amida, 502-503
Amida, 359
Amida, 973
Amorium, 838
Anchialus, 708
Anchialus, 763
Anchialus, 917
Andrassus, 960
Ani, 1064
Anthidon, 634
Antioch, 540
Antioch, 611
Antioch, 969
Antioch on Meander, 1211
Anzen, 838
Apadna, 503
Apamea, 998
Apros, 1305
Apulia, 1155
Aquae Saravenae, 979
Araxes, 589
Arcadiopolis, 970
Arcadiopolis, 1194
Ariminum, 538
Arzamon, 586
Attalia, 1207
Aurasium, 540
Auximus, 539
Azaz, 1030
Babylon, Egypt, 640
Balathista, 1014
Bapheus, 1302
Bargylus, 634
Bari, 1068-1071
Bathys Ryax, 872
Berat, 1281
Veroï, 1122
Balarathos, 591
Bar, 1042
Berzitia, 774
Bitola, 1015
Ganzaka, 591
Bosporus, 1352
Boulgarophygon, 896
Bourgaon, 535
Brindisi, 1156
Brocade, 634
Bursa, 1317-1326
Busta Gallorum, 552
Calavrye, 1079
Callinicum, 531
Campus Ardiensis, 316
Cannae, 1018
Cape Bon, 468
Carthage, 468
Carthage, 698
Cephalonia, 880
Kefalonia, 880
Lipares, 880
Stelai, 880
Castrogiovanni, 859
Chariopolis, 1051
Chersonesus, 447
Chrysopolis, 324
Cibalae, 316
Cillium, 544
Constantinople, 626
Constantinople, 674-678
Constantinople, 717-718
Constantinople, 941
Constantinople, 1047
Constantinople, 1187
Constantinople, 1204
Constantinople, 1235
Constantinople, 1260
Constantinople, 1261
Constantinople, 1422
Constantinople, 1453
Cotyaeum, 492
Crasus, 804
Crete, 824
Crete, 828
Crete, 961
Ctesiphon, 363
Damascus, 634
Damietta, 853
Daras, 530
Daras, 573
Dathin, 634
Dazimon, 838
Demetrias, 1274
Demotika, 1352
Devina, 1279
Diakene, 1050
Diampoli, 1049
Didymoteichon, 1352
Dimitritsi, 1185
Dorostalon, 971
Dranginai, 1040
Dyrrachium, 1018
Dyrrachium, 1081
Caesarea, 1073
Echinades, 1427
Edessa, 1031
Ekato Vounoi, 1050
Emessa, 635-636
Faventia, 542
Fields of Cato, 548
Firaz, 634
Frigidus, 394
Gallipoli, 1354
Gallipoli, 1366
Hades, 1057
Heliopolis, 640
Hellespont, 324
Heraclea, 806
Hieromyax, 636
Hyelion - Leimocheir,1177
Iron Bridge, 637
Ieromyax, 636
Jerusalem, 614
Jerusalem, 637
Kaisareia, 1073
Kalavrye, 1079
Kapetron, 1049
Katasyrtai, 917
Kleidion, 1014
Klokotnitsa, 1230
Kopidnadon, 788
Koundouros, 1205
Krasos, 804
Lalakaon, 863
Larissa, 1084
Lemnos, 1025
Levounion, 1091
Makryplagi, 1264
Mammes, 534
Manzikert, 1071
Maogamalcha, 363
Maranga, 363
Marcellae, 756
Marcellae, 792
Marcianopolis, 377
Mardia, 316
Marj-ud-Deebaj, 634
Marta, 547
Masts, 655
Martyropolis, 588
Mavropotamos, 844
Mediolanum, 539
Melanthius, 559
Melantias, 559
Melitene, 576
Membresa, 536
Mercurii Promontorium, 468
Messina, 843
Milano, 539
Milvian Bridge, 312
Mons Seleucus, 353
Monte Siricolo, 1041
Montepeloso, 1041
Montemaggiore, 1041
Morava, 1191
Mount Lactarius, 553
Mucellium, 542
Mursa Major, 351
Mutah, 629
Myriokephalon, 1176
Naples, 536
Neopatras, 1274
Nicaea, 1077
Nicaea, 1097
Nicaea, 1328-1331
Nicomedia, 782
Nicomedia, 1337
Nikiou, 646
Nineveh, 627
Nisibis, 338
Nisibis, 350
Noviodunum, 369
Olivento, 1041
Ongal, 680
Ophlimos, 622
Orontes, 994
Osimo, 539
Ostrovo, 1043
Palakazio, 1021
Palermo, 830-831
Pancalia, 978
Pegae, 922
Pelacanon, 1329
Pelagonia, 1259
Petra, 549
Petra, 551
Petroe, 1057
Perkri, 1034
Pharsalus, 1277
Philadelphia, 1390
Philomelion, 1117
Phoenix, 655
Pirisabora, 363
Pliska, 811
Poimanenon, 1224
Poson, 863
Preslava, 1053
Prinitza, 1263
Prusa, 1326
Rhodes, 1249
Rhodes, 1309
Rhyndacus, 1211
Rimini, 538
Rishki Pass, 759
Rome, 537-538
Rome, 545 - 546
Rometta, 964
Rometta, 1038
Rousokastro, 1332
Rus Raid, 860
Rus Raid, 941
Rus Raid, 1025
Rus Raid, 1043
Samarra, 363
Sardis, 743
Satala, 530
Save, 388
Saxa Rubra, 312
Scalas Veteres, 537
Sebastia, 1070
Sebastopolis, 692
Sedica, 809
Sena Gallica, 551
Setina, 1017
Shirimni, 1021
Singara, 344
Sirmium, 441
Sirmium, 580-582
Sirmium, 1167
Siscia, 388
Skafida, 1304
Solachon, 586
Spercheios, 997
Strumica, 1014
Strymon, 1185
Sufetula, 647
Svindax, 1022
Syllaeum, 677
Syracuse, 827-828
Syracuse, 877-878
Taginae, 552
Taormina, 902
Tarsus, 965
Thacia, 545
Thannourios, 528
Thasos, 829
Thessalonica, 586
Thessalonica, 615
Thessalonica, 617
Thessalonica, 676-678
Thessalonica, 904
Thessalonica, 995
Thessalonica, 1014
Thessalonica, 1040
Thessalonica, 1185
Thessalonica, 1224
Thessalonica, 1264
Thessalonica, 1430
Thomas the Slav, 821-823
Tornikios, 1047
Trajan’s Gate, 986
Tricameron, 533
Troina, 1040
Tryavna, 1190
Utus, 447
Vasiliki Livada, 1050
Veregava, 759
Versinikia, 813
Vescera, 682
Vesuvius, 553
Vid, 447
Viminacium, 599
Volturnus, 554
Wadi al-Arabah, 634
Yarmuk, 636
Zombos, 1074
Zygos pass, 1053
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Battle of Rousokastro



18 July 1332
A Byzantine defeat by the Bulgarians in the last important battle of the old enemies ★ ★ ★ ★
Near the town Rousokastro of SE Bulgaria, 22 km west of Burgas
 accuracy: ●●●●●
battle type:
Pitched Battle
Later Bulgarian Wars
modern country:
  The Byzantines(emperor:  Andronikos III Palaiologos) The Enemies
Commander: Emperor Andronikos III Tsar Ivan Alexander
Forces: 3,000 11,000
Losses: 37 cavalry, 300 infantry slightly more than the Byzantine losses

Background story:
In 1330, during the short reign (1330-1331) of the Bulgarian Tsar Ivan-Stefan, relations with Bulgaria deteriorated rapidly, mainly because the Byzantines did not help the Bulgarians in their campaign against the Serbs.
In 1331, Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos himself led an army that occupied much of southeastern Bulgaria. The tsar's inability to defend and repel the Byzantine invasion created a crisis in Bulgaria, with the result that the country's lords dethroned Ivan-Stefan and gave the throne to his cousin, Ivan-Alexander.

bulgarian tsar
Ivan Alexander
The first action of the new tsar was to organize a counterattack in Thrace. The counterattack was a success and Ivan-Alexander recaptured the cities that Andronikos had conquered last year except Mesimvria, where the governor was Theodoros Synadinos, uncle of the emperor and one of his most prominent supporters during the civil war of 1321-1328.

It was at this time that the Bulgarian lord Belaur (or Belauros), uncle of the former tsar Ivan-Stefan, rebelled in Vidin (in the northwestern tip of present-day Bulgaria). This revolt was probably encouraged by the Byzantines. Ivan-Alexander headed to Vidin to quell the uprising, but then Andronikos III invaded from the southeast with an army of 3,000 men, mostly mercenaries (the days when Byzantium had the means to support large armies was a thing of the past).

The Tsar had to come back with part of his army, while at the same time asking for reinforcements from the Mongols of the Golden Horde (whose territory in those years had reached north of the Danube, bordering Bulgaria).
The Byzantine army marched from Adrianople, recaptured several of the disputed cities, and reached Rousokastro, an old castle that had existed there since at least the 6th century, near the modern town of the same name, 22 km west of Burgas in SE Bulgaria. The Bulgarian tsar also arrived in the area and encamped in the town of Aetos (Айтос), a little further north.

The Battle:
a modern Monument of the battle in the battlefield
The Bulgarians were more, about 8,000, but the Byzantine army was more experienced, so the Tsar avoided engaging in battle, hoping that the reinforcements he had requested from the Mongols would arrive in time.
The two armies were separated by a narrow passage guarded by the Bulgarians. The Byzantine army lined up twice for battle, but the Bulgarians did not respond, not daring to cross the passage and go out into the open. This was a problem for the Byzantines who were not prepared for a long campaign in enemy territory.
In the face of the impasse, the two leaders began negotiations in order to reach an agreement. It seems that the difficult subject was Anchialos (today Pomorie in the bay of Burgas) which at that time was in the hands of the Bulgarians. Eventually the Byzantines accepted an agreement according to which they would take back Anchialos and give Diamboli (Yambol - Ямбол).
And while everything was ready for the finalization of the agreement, on the night of July 17, the reinforcements that the Bulgarians were waiting for arrived: 3,000 Mongol horsemen.

After this development, now having a serious advantage, the Bulgarian Tsar decided to attack. At six o'clock the next morning, his forces came out of the narrow passage and marched against the Byzantines, who hurriedly lined up for battle. On the right side of the Byzantine faction the leader was protostrator Theodoros Synadinos and on the left megas papias Alexios Tzablakon. At the center was the emperor himself. The formation consisted of 16 phalanxes (battalions of 100-150 men) in two rows, 6 phalanxes front and 10 rear.
Present also at the center were megas domestikos John Kantakouzenos (the future emperor) and megas primikerios Manuel Asanes as head of an elite unit of 50 knights.

Andronikos was very angry about the insidious attack and at first he thought that he was only facing the Bulgarians, until he heard the sound of the Mongol trumpets which had a very characteristic, loud and scary sound.

The battle lasted 3 hours. The Mongols, moving independently, managed to overrun the Byzantine formation and attack in the rear from the left, while the Bulgarian infantry attacked from the front, where it was initially repulsed. The 10 phalanxes of the rear row quickly disbanded, but the emperor managed to keep the remaining 6 phalanxes in order and counterattack. But the enemies were much more. After a fierce battle, the Byzantine army began to retreat and at the end the battle was fought under the walls of Rousokastro. Finally the Byzantines could not hold any more and sought refuge inside the castle.

At the end of the day, Ivan-Alexander surrounded Rousokastro and sent envoys to Andronikos to resume talks based on what had been agreed the day before.

The Mongol allies of the Bulgarians in this battle were deceived by Ivan-Alexander who made them believe that the enemy they would fight was the rebel Belaur and not the Byzantines.

The Bulgarian Tsar achieved a peace treaty on improved terms. Andronikos was outraged but finally accepted the peace, which was sealed with the marriage of 8-year-old Michael, son of Ivan-Alexander, with Andronikos' daughter, Maria. The victory allowed the Tsar to remain on the throne (for 40 years!).
It was the last worth-mentioning battle against the Bulgarians, as the Ottomans prevailed in the region after a few decades.